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Submitting AI Jobs

Integrated Framework Page


Job Submission via Web Interface

Using Tensorflow job submission template as an example:

  1. Configure project name (currently default): Job

  2. Configure job name: Job Name

  3. Configure the job's working directory, detailed job information shows the execution directory: Directory

  4. Configure the job's shm-size: SHM

  5. Then configure the resource specifications for the AI job according to actual needs: Resource

  6. Configure the job's image, categorized by global tags (Tensorflow, PaddlePaddle, MXNet, etc.) and custom tags: Tag

  7. Finally, select the running mode based on different images (single machine, Horovod, PS parallel, etc.): Images

Jupyter Notebook Job Submission

  1. Submit jobs via the Jupyter page: Jupyter Job

  2. After submission, click on the "My Jobs" section to view historical and current submitted jobs: Jupyter History

  3. Click the icon next to the job number under "My Jobs" to display the dynamic output of the currently running job: Jupyter Output

  4. Click the icon next to the job number under "My Jobs" to display the experimental data of the current job: Jupyter Data Jupyter Resources

VScode Job Submission

  1. Submit VScode jobs through job templates: VSCode Job

  2. Similar to Jupyter notebook job details, click the icon next to the job number to display the corresponding output content: VSCode Output

  3. Reference template for importing certificates in VScode: VSCode PEM

Command Line Job Submission

Command 1


Command 2