1. Assuming a locally created image named gem5-test:v1 has been made using docker commit, it needs to be tagged and uploaded to the local repository:
docker tag gem5-test:v1
docker push
2. Write a script for running docker (gem5.sh) and a job submission script for LSF:
2.1 This job will perform a simple gem5 compilation: run.sh
cd /hpc/home/simonyjhe/docker-data
vim run.sh
cd /opt/gem5
scons build/X86/gem5.opt -j 100 /opt/mydata/output.log 2>&1
Make gem5.sh executable: chmod a+x run.sh
2.2 Write the LSF job script myjob.lsf:
#BSUB -J gem5-test-job1
#BSUB -n 56
#BSUB -q gpu
docker pull
docker run -it --rm --name gem5-yjhe -v /hpc/home/simonyjhe/docker-data:/opt/mydata /opt/mydata/run.sh
#BSUB section is for LSF job parameters: request 56 cores, submit to the gpu queue, as an interactive job
docker section: pull -> docker run
-it: interactive mode with terminal
--rm: remove container upon exit; does not delete the image
-v /hpc/home/simonyjhe/tutorials/docker/gem5:/opt/mydata: maps the working directory to /opt/mydata in the container. Data written into this directory in the container, such as output.log which is intended to be saved, can be accessed.
2.3. Submit the job: bsub < myjob.lsf &