1.2. Software Tools Loading
The EDA platform uses Environment Modules to manage the environment variables of application software.
Basic Module Commands
module avail
ormodule ava
: Display all loadable tool modules and their versions.module load [module_name]
: Load a specific tool module.module unload [module_name]
: Unload a specific tool module.module sw [module_name] [version]
: Switch between different versions of a tool.module list
: Show currently loaded tool modules.module purge
: Unload all loaded tool modules.module dis [module_name]
: View the configuration information of a module.
Currently Managed Tools on the EDA Platform
[simonyjhe@manager01 ~]$ module ava
--------------------------------- /hpc/Edatools/system/modules-5.2/modulefiles/tools/Cadence ----------------------------------
emx/6.2 genus/21.10 ic/618.isr12 jasper/2022.12 quantus/221 spectre/21.10.582 spectre/23.10.242 emx/23.1 ic/618.280 innovus/21.10 pvs/222 spb/221 spectre/21.10.854 xcelium/21.09
--------------------------------- /hpc/Edatools/system/modules-5.2/modulefiles/tools/Synopsys---------------------------------
dc/2022.03 fm/2022.03 icc2/2022.03 prime/2022.03 PyCell/2021.09 starrc/2022.03 vcs/2021.09 verdi/2021.09 fc/2022.03 hspice/2022.06 lc/2022.03 PyCell/2020.03 sram-mc2/2012.02 starrc/2022.12 vcs/2022.06 waveview/2022.06
---------------------------------- /hpc/Edatools/system/modules-5.2/modulefiles/tools/Mentor----------------------------------
calibre/2021.4 calibre/2023.2 modelsim/21.3
----------------------------------- /hpc/Edatools/system/modules-5.2/modulefiles/tools/Misc-----------------------------------
ads/2024 ansysEM/232 fluent/232 icmanage/47827 lic/eda polyflow/232 ansys/232 comsol/6.1 icem/232 icmanage/48856 lumerical/231 redhawk/2023.1
-------------------------------- /hpc/Edatools/system/modules-5.2/modulefiles/tools/Opensource--------------------------------
anaconda/anaconda3 cuda/cuda-11.7 gcc/gcc-12.2.0 iperf/3.14 pycharm/2023.1 vim/9.0 cuda/cuda-10.2 cuda/cuda-12.0 git/2.9.5 make/4.3 tkdiff/5.6 zsh/5.6.2 cuda/cuda-11.6 gcc/gcc-10.3.0 htop/2.2.0 openmpi/4.1.5 tmux/3.2
Commonly Used Modules:
Software Modules and Invocation
Module | Description | Invocation Command |
lic/eda | Setup of license environment for commercial software | module load lic/eda |
ic/618.280 | Cadence IC618, with ic/618.isr12 being an older version of IC618 | module load ic/618.280 |
spectre/23.10.242 | Cadence Spectre simulator | module load spectre/23.10.242 |
dc/2022.03 | Synopsys Design Compiler | module load dc/2022.03 |
prime/2022.03 | Synopsys PrimeTime | module load prime/2022.03 |
calibre/2023.2 | Siemens EDA Calibre (formerly Mentor Graphics Calibre) | module load calibre/2023.2 |
ads/2024 | Keysight ADS | module load ads/2024 |
fluent/232 | Ansys Fluent | module load fluent/232 |
ansysEM/232 | Ansys HFSS, Ansys EM, etc. | module load ansysEM/232 |
comsol/6.1 | Comsol Multiphysics | module load comsol/6.1 |
lumerical/231 | Ansys Lumerical | module load lumerical/231 |
anaconda/anaconda3 | Anaconda3 | module load anaconda/anaconda3; conda env list |
Please note that for each tool module, you may need to select the correct version based on your actual requirements. If you are unsure which version to use, please contact your administrator or refer to the specific needs of your project.